Articles on: Getting Started

How To Build An Article Outline?

You can use Outline Builder to analyze the top 10 Google results for a particular topic, so you can see what competitors are doing to rank and create an outline that works best for your article.

To do this, from the side menu, select Outline Builder and then New.

Input the topic of your article, select the Country i.e. the Google database and language that you want to use, select the project and then click Build Outline.

Our tool will then analyze the top 10 Google results and show you the total headings and word count for each competitor.

You will also get an outline of your competitors’ articles to review and assist you in creating your own outline.

On the right hand side of the page, you will get the outline builder with some suggestions for an outline for the topic you entered. You can edit the outline as required.

To move a particular heading up or down the list, select the heading and use the up or down arrow to move the selected heading up or down the list.

To change the heading tag, for example from H2 to H3, select the heading and use the left and right arrow to change to the next heading tag.

To edit a heading, click on the edit icon on the right of the heading, make your edit and click on the green tick to save your changes.

Click on the plus (+) icon to add a new heading and the bin icon to delete.

Any changes you make to the outline in Outline Builder are automatically applied and you will be able to select the created outline when generating an article later on via Content Generator.

Updated on: 25/03/2024

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